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Wienerschnitzel has family Crowd Pleaser deals good every day, no coupon required: $10: 3 Corn Dogs, 3 medium fries and 3 Chili Dogs; $15: 6 Chili Dogs and 3 Chili Cheese Fries; $20: 4 Corn Dogs, 4 Chili Dogs and 4 Chili Cheese Fries; $25: 4 small drinks, 4 small fries, 8 Chili Dogs and 20 Mini Corn Dogs.
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By popular demand, and for the first time ever, Wienerschnitzel is selling cans of its signature chili sauce in their restaurants. To purchase, simply stop by your nearest Wienerschnitzel location and you’ll find 15-ounce cans of the same chili sauce used to top some of their fan-favorite menu items for $5 a can.
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Thanking veterans for their service, Wienerschnitzel is offering veterans and active service members a FREE meal on veterans day, which includes a FREE chili dog, small fries and a small Pepsi (redeemable at all 330 Wienerschnitzel locations on Wednesday, Nov. 11).
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